Saturday 15 October 2011

Hard to work at 7:00am when you stay up until 2:00am the night before....

Ok, I am getting old. There was a time when I could easily stay up for 2 or three days without sleep and just power through. Even up to 2 years ago, I used to power through 2 days, 48 hours straight at the store when we were setting up displays and what not. Well that time has passed, I believe that I am now officially part of the old crowd....I knew that every year after celebrating yet another wedding anniversary that it was creeping up on me....15 years 16 years, 17 years...yeah Heather and I were part of a select few.....but now I realize that as the old saying goes.....I am not as young as I used to be.

I worked all day yesterday, when I went home we had plans to go to the bosses place and play poker......we got there at 8:00pm.........I think I yawned a few times around 10:00 when I would normally be asleep in my midnight I was slowing 1 am I was getting a second wind, and by 2:00 am I was thinking I was not old at all......but then there is the next day.....

My alarm went off at 6:55 am...weird cause it normally goes off at 5:30. At 7:45 I pushed myself out of bed......worried that I had slipped being normally at work by 7:00 am........I knew I was in trouble when we had zero cashiers show needless to say, I was a cashier.....but not my normal happy self......I went home for lunch with Andrew, and fell asleep on the couch. Andrew took pitty on me and made me 1:00 I was headed back to work dragging a little too much....back on cash for a few hours.....then once we got through the slow time, by 4:50 I was just passing time looking at security footage. I gave in and headed home at 5:15...which is a first.....I guess I am worn out.

That is ok....great things come from challenges when we overcome bed early tonight.........tommorow is Sunday so I can sleep in until 7 and head to work for 8:30........all is well that ends well.

Onwards and upwards......

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