Saturday 10 September 2011

The Great "White" North.........great to be here....

Well I have arrived! Great flight out of Ottawa with amazing service. Not only did the flight crew treat me to the traditional cup of tea, I also enjoyed hot towell service, a great meal of eggs benidict with a fruit salad and a nice selection of banana bread and cream cheese and crackers, a great bottle of cranberry juice.....and.......yes there is more, a pillow, a blanket, a warm large oatmeal cookie, and just when I thought it was over they came with a tray of sweets (candies) to ensure our ears would be o.k.. It was a great flight, and fantastic service. Way to go First Air!

The house is nice, in decent shape and clean. A few minor issues, but nothing crazy. The city of Iqaluit is nice enough. It is about the size of my old town of Bridgewater (7500-8000 people) it is on the water surrounding the harbour just like my old town of Lunenburg, but there is something very different and refreshing. It is almost raw.....raw with opportunity. There is a mix of jelly bean style St. John's homes perched on the rock face, many duplexes, and town homes, and more apartments going up then even is certainly growing.

As we flew in there were a few icebergs in the water below. As we approached the town I looked below to the mountain tops to see pure white snow. I am told that arrived on Sept 2nd.

Once in Iqaluit ther was no snow, but it was a plesent 6 degrees and sunny. We drove around town getting our bearings.....and were pleased. We located the forward fighting base of the Canadian Forces, the damns, and the mountain side. We also drove out to Apex.

First thing this morning, my second day after waking up at 5:00am (which did not please Heather) we headed out for a drive, and then over to Sylvene National Park....Heather and I went for a short hike up the hill side to the top where we were able to see both Iqaluit behind us, and the mountains un front of us as well as a great view of the flood planes, and of the 2 waterfalls below. Also of course a much nicer view of Frobisher Bay.

Things are looking great. After attending the cities recreation department mass registartion this morning the kids, and Heather are involved now in a number of events....and just like St. Nick we are preparing for the long winter....but instead of a nap...we plan to be involved and going.

More to follow.....!

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