Tuesday 20 September 2011

Everyone is settling in....

Well after my first full 12 days in Iqaluit, I must say things are settling down and feeling very normal.....well except for the fact that we got our second snow fall and it is Sept 20th. It started flurrying in the afternoon 2 days ago and after getting home from work, and having supper with the family, we loaded up in the truck and went for a nice drive exploring the city in the snow. The real danger in driving in a snow downfall here is in my opinion the lack of "big" city lighting. It seems it does not matter what the temperature or weather is, people will still be out walking the streets.....problem is many are wearing black winter coats, or dark coats and you have to be very careful to watch out for them especially in the dark stormy night.

The kids are doing well at school. My Amy is studying Match that I can not ever remember doing...(of course I was not a model math student), it is so weird and wonderful they do not even call it math, rather they call it calculus........a great subject that requires a 250.00 calculator to complete. Andrew is doing well at school, still running for student council, and after attending his meet the teacher night......being very helpful, and volunteering a lot. That is very good.

One of the benifits of working here in Iqaluit is the opportunity to get home for Lunch........I was reflecting on how nice it was to popout from work, and go home mid-day to sit with my wife, and if I am really lucky and get home on time with my kids and enjoy lunch. This is something that was impossible in other locations as the drive home was just too much and the pressures at work too great. Here it is a normal thing to do, and because the city is not huge, and I live close to the store, it is quite doeable, and something I look forward to dialy.

Now that does not mean that I get home at 12:00 every day.....I still am managing a large retail store......sometimes it is 12, sometimes 1, and sometimes 3....but that matches the times I get home for supper.....sometimes 6, sometimes 7, and sometimes 9. But I love it!

Amy has asked to go out on vactaion in February....mostly because the bands she likes are on a Canadian tour and she would love to see them.......we will need to see what we can do!

Until the next time.....while the North is certainly different, it is wonderful, and the more different, the more the same!

More to come!

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